Here's my own personal round-up of the best beers, breweries, and pubs I have encountered over the past 12 months.... It doesn't seem 12 months since I was going through my favourites of 2023. Well actually it isn't quite, as I didn't get to do it until the first week in January, but I didn't want to let it slip again, so here in a more timely fashion are my favourites of the year. As ever, whilst celebrating the best, there are of course some breweries that have unfortunately closed down this year, such as Elland and Chapter Brewing, whilst there have been regular shenanigans again this year from Carlsberg Marstons who seem to be doing the best they can to undermine the cask ale market. The Beers It is difficult to grade these as it very much depends on the setting, the way you feel, as well as the actual beer itself. But the most objective way I can think of is to look at the beers that I have rated as being a 4 or above on the NBSS (National Beer Scoring System)...